Tutoring Center provides student success


Tech students can get more for less this semester with help from Student Success.

The Doc Bryan Tutoring Center, free of charge to students, has extended its hours and course framework with the help of a $20,000 grant from the Charles A. Frueaff Foundation, which, according to the foundation’s website, funds a number of academic programs around the country.

The grant will be split between tutoring services and the Bridge to Excellence programs, both of which are run by Dr. Elishia Heiden, assistant dean for student success.

Enough of the grant was awarded to tutoring services to allow for the changes Student Success made earlier this semester.

“Last semester and the semester before, we weren’t open Sundays,” Heiden said. “There were several courses offered, but we couldn’t offer all the math every shift.”

Now, the tutoring center is open Sunday to Thursday from 5-9 p.m., and all courses are offered every hour.

“Last semester we restructured which courses we offered,” Heiden said.

New courses include Principles of Zoology, Principles of Botany, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Calculus III and Differential Equations I. Other course offered through the tutoring center include Foundational Composition, World Civilization I, Praxis 1 and Public Speaking.

The expansion of course curriculum brings with it a staff that works under Heiden. Heiden said her staff have high GPAs, faculty references and go through rigorous training to be a part of the program.

“Any kind of help is better than not getting help,” said Jordan Dunham, a junior communications major from Russellville.

“We’ve got people tutoring in all different kinds of subjects. We’re all able to work together. It’s just about having the information put to you in the right way.”

Dunham tutors math, English and public speaking, while his co-worker, Hailey Roberson, tutors biology.

“It’s beneficial not only to me but to them,” said Roberson, a junior biomedical biology and medical technologies double major from Atkins. “I really have been doing it naturally for a really long time. It’s really rewarding to see it click and see someone understands it and is able to work through it.”

Those looking for more information about the tutoring center can visit their Facebook page at Facebook.com/ATUTutoringCenter or call (479) 880-4324.