Tag Archives: cancer

Professor pied for cancer


TOMMY MUMERT/THE ARKA TECH: Journalism professor Billy Reeder was pied in the face March 11 as part of the Journalists for Life Relay for Life team.
TOMMY MUMERT/THE ARKA TECH: Journalism professor Billy Reeder was pied in the face March 11 as part of the Journalists for Life Relay for Life team.

Billy Reeder stood solemnly outside Ross Pendergraft Library on March 11 with a small crowd gathered around him. In just a few minutes, Reeder would receive a pie in the face — for a good cause.

Reeder, assistant professor of journalism, was the lucky winner of Pie your Professor fundraiser. At noon on March 11, bidding took place in front of the library to see who would get to pie Reeder. Ryan Harmon, a sophomore broadcast journalism major from Lamar, got to do the honors with his $10 bid. “I hated to do it, but it had to be done,” Harmon said.

“I’m sticky,” Reeder said. “I’m glad to be able to help. It was for a good cause, so I don’t mind a pie in the face, but I don’t know what my hair will look like later.”

The Pie your Professor fundraiser was for the Journalist for Life team, which is an of�icial team of the River Valley Relay for Life. With this fundraiser, the team has raised a little over $300. Reeder brought in about $130, and his competition, Dr. Hanna Norton, assistant vice president for academic affairs and professor of journalism, brought in around $103.

Norton is the team captain for the Journalist for Life team.

“This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart,” Norton said.

On behalf of the faculty, Tommy Mumert, assistant professor of journalism, said, “We extend our gratitude to Mr. Reeder for his willingness to participate and for his acceptance of his fate.”

The Relay year does not end until August 31, so the team will continue to raise money for the cause. For more information visit the local Relay for Life on the event’s Facebook page at facebook.com/RelayForLifeOfPopeandYell or relayforlife.org/popear.