Tag Archives: gray

Students urged to watch for flu-like symptoms


It’s that time of year — when pro-football players declare they are going to Disney World. While there’s nothing wrong with good, family fun, it helps to make sure which Disney property is the destination.

With many recent cases of measles in the U.S. being linked to California’s Disneyland, many are concerned for their health and safety.

Rebecca Gray, director of health services, says that as far as Arkansas is concerned — for the most part — everyone is vaccinated or has one of three state-granted exemptions, which are for medical, philosophical and age-related reasons.

“For Arkansas, and Arkansas Tech, we do a really good job of making sure that every student has something,” Gray said.

Gray said symptoms can vary depending on the severity but can include cold-like symptoms, fever or rash, among other things.

Another worry for many people is the latest round of flu vaccines, which proved to be only about 40 percent effective against the H2N3-strain of flu virus.

Gray said that from patients she has seen, and from her own experience, those who received a flu shot and ended up getting the flu did not have cases as severe as those who were not vaccinated and ended up getting the flu.

Students who are experiencing any symptoms should make an appointment with the Health and Wellness Center if possible, although Gray said it does offer walk-ins on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-4 p.m.

For more information, contact the Health and Wellness Center at 479-968-0329.

Health and Wellness Center to offer free events


Arkansas Tech University’s Health and Wellness Center is hosting several health-related events for students to participate in throughout the semester.

Rebecca Gray, director of Health Services, said the programs are designed to help students overcome specific struggle areas.

“Whatever success means to them, we want them to be able to achieve it,” Gray said. “If we can be part of that with the programs, that’s what we want to do.”

On Feb. 11, it will host “Healthy Relationships/Healthy Hearts” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 203 and Room 204 in BazTech. This program is free to students, faculty and staff, who will be able to have their body mass index, blood pressure and other health-related screening, as well as receive information about maintaining healthy relationships.

On Feb. 18, students, faculty and staff can take part in “Nutrition 101” from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. in BazTech. This free event will feature nutrition counseling and giveaways.

On Feb. 25, it will host “Nicotine Addiction: What The Hookah?” from 3-5 p.m. in BazTech Room 202. Students, faculty and staff can receive free information about the negative effects of nicotine and helpful ways to stop the use of nicotine.

On March 5, it will host an an alcohol screening and education program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in BazTech Room 203 and Room 204. Students, faculty and staff can receive helpful information related to alcohol.

“Usually, people learn things about themselves that maybe they didn’t know,” Gray said.

On March 10 from 6-8 p.m. in BazTech Room 202, students can figure out how to “Take Control of Test Anxiety” with a free workshop, featuring different strategies and tips to make test-taking easier.

On March 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Young Ballroom, students can take part in the “Safe Spring Break Health Fair.”

Local businesses and vendors will be present. Students can take advantage of free eye exams, have their blood sugar tested among other screenings. Free items, such as spring break survivor kits, will be available.

On April 2, there will be a free HIV clinic in the Health and Wellness Center. Students can come in at any point in the day, without an appointment, and have their blood drawn to check for HIV.

On April 14 from 3-4 p.m. in BazTech Room 202, students can attend a free presentation called “Keep Calm and Carry On,” where they will learn how to appropriately manage their stress.

On April 18, there will be a suicide prevention walk called “Out of the Darkness.” There will be several activities and a preventative a walk around campus.

The final event for the semester will be “Oral Health Day” on April 24 at the Hindsman Bell Tower from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Staff from the Health and Wellness Center will be handing out toothbrushes, toothpaste, sugar free gum and other items to emphasize the importance of dental hygiene.

The Health and Wellness Center will also host two CPR classes this semester on Feb. 20 and April 17. The classes are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. No more than 18 people can attend per class, so those interested should contact the Health and Wellness Center at (479) 968-0329 or email Gray at rgray12@atu.edu.

For more information about upcoming events, visit http://www.atu.edu/hwc.