Tag Archives: witherspoon

International Women’s Week art displayed in Witherspoon


CASEY DEANGELO/THE ARKA TECH: Kaitlyn Woodward's art piece, "Tarnished Pride," is displayed in Witherspoon as part of International Women's Week.
CASEY DEANGELO/THE ARKA TECH: Kaitlyn Woodward’s art piece, “Tarnished Pride,” is displayed in Witherspoon as part of International Women’s Week.

In coordination with International Women’s Week, the lobby of Witherspoon Hall has an art show dedicated to women.

Each piece shows empowerment of women through digital art, paintings and drawings.

Art major Kaitlyn Woodward was featured in the showcase twice.

“Women should be accepted for their beliefs, no matter the topic,” Woodward said. “I believe in equality. As an artist, I want my artwork to make people stop and think, to empower change because people deserve dignity, respect, rights and equal opportunities.”

One of her pieces is titled “Tarnished Pride.” This piece features a woman’s figure, but her head is replaced with a cube and black bars are being used as sensors. Woodward uses contrast and color splatter to draw the viewer’s eye across the piece.

There are words hidden within the piece that give it a deeper meaning.

“This piece depicts the obvious conflict that women face with body image, gender roles and sexual orientation. My artwork pushes boundaries by bringing topics to light that society wants to pretend don’t exist,” Woodward said.